Our Team

Carmen Sprague
Board President

Message from the President
Greeting's Members....
Hope everyone has survived "our" winter spell...I'm, so over fighting with the dog for my blanket...and of course I always give in... just to go put on another layer ...Please get warm and stay warm...I feel like a snow man...Sorry I digress....
This weekend is the "Water Ways Science Festival" at Cultural Park...Saturday Feb 1st...10am to 4pm..There will be live animals, discussions on water concerns, arts and crafts... Food trucks and much more... The Art League will be open 11 to 3 to tour the Gallery and the Gift Shop...
It's going to be a lovely day...Come and check it out...
The Membership Meeting is Monday, February 3rd at 11am... We will be having a demo by Kathleen Fitzgerald...a Stained Glass Artist from Port Charlotte...Looking forward to it...
After the meeting... Receiving for the next Gallery Show will receive Noon-3:00...and the Show will be "Wild about Wildlife"...This is an Arts Council Show...So probably lots of entry's...A very popular show...
Don't forget Members Month in Studio 1... All Members are welcome to hang 1 pc in this show.
There are still a few spots left for Rene'e Chastant ..."Spontaneous Burst of Colors" Workshop this Friday and Sat..9am to 4 pm... Jan 31st and Feb 1st...
Please call the Office to sign up...$195 for Members and $220 for Non-Members... Rene'e does beautiful work...Not to be missed Workshop ...
Also ...Just a reminder...the Supplies in Studio 2 are for the Children's Classes taking place on Sunday's. The League has to purchase these supplies at our expense and while its ok to borrow something...All supplies are to be replaced if they are borrowed...
I hope that the stress of the Holidays ...and all those guests, are gone and ...behind everyone...Soon Spring will rear its beautiful head...There is nothing like the sights and smells of Spring...When everything is fresh and new...Let's all take a moment to slow down and take in all the beauty around us...
Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder... There is always something around you to enjoy...Find your Breath of fresh air....and enjoy it....
Carmen Sprague
President CCAL

Our Executive Board

Kim Hebda &
Joe Jackson (TBD)
Patsy Dautle
Repairs & Maintenance

Judy Calla
Public Relations

Joyce Chimera
Recording Secretary

Louise Rhode
Special Events
Our Committee Chairs

Kim Carioto-Krugle & Beth Blewet
Co-Chairs Gallery Shows

Carmen Sprague
Gift Shop

Miriam Frawley
Web Development

Nancy Thompson
Office Secretary

Sharon Gajajiva
Director of Workshops

Rod Rodriguez
Student Sunday Children's Director