Our Partners
We support these fine organizations.

The Art Council of SouthWest Florida (ACSWF) is dedicated to expanding the range of art appreciation and creative art opportunities for the residents of south Florida and the many thousands of people from all over the world who visit here annually.
The council's major goals are threefold:
1) the support of its member art studios and organizations (currently numbering 21) via their website and other publicity concerning their classes, workshops, exhibits and other creative activities;
2) the provision of quality exhibit and sales opportunities for the artists and craftspeople who are members of the Council's affiliate organizations;
3) and the provision of networking opportunities for sharing ideas concerning art appreciation, art education and art creation. Besides hosting 2 major art exhibits (the Spring Art Show, the Winners' Circle Exhibit), the Art Council operates the co-operative Art Gallery at Coconut Point Mall in Estero, Florida. This venue provides year-round exhibit and sales opportunities for the artists and craftspeople who are members of the council's affiliate organizations. Because it is operated by the artists themselves, all as volunmteers, the gallery provides experience in the curating, marketing and sale of the visual arts.
More information at:

The museum is operated by the Cape Coral Historical Society, a 501(c)(3) organization. Its purpose is to preserve the life and times of Cape Coral.
The public is welcome to tour the museum! We accept walk-in groups as well as scheduled groups. Members tour for free!
We are supported by tour fees, donations, membership dues, and a grant from the City of Cape Coral. The museum collaborates with the Master Gardeners and the Garden Club of Cape Coral, who manage our beautiful rose garden and our Florida-Friendly landscaping; and who offer special gardening tours and programs.
More information at: www.capecoralhistoricalmuseum.org

"We are a live theatre company that has stood the test of time. Whether you are interested in performing or attending a performance, feel free to browse, call, or stop by for more information. Be on the lookout formaudition dates on our website and facebook page.
Our Broadway series flier can be sent to you if you call our box office 239-772-5862. If you have not yet done so we also encourage you to purchase tickets quickly for the best seating options. It is a great line-up with a variety of Musicals, Comedies, and Dramas. So, get ready for our jam-packed season".
Monday - Friday: 10:00 am. to 5:00 pm.
Performance weekends:
11:00 am. to 3:00 pm.
PHONE: (239) 772-5862
528 Cultural Park Boulevard
Cape Coral, FL 33990
More information at: www.culturalparktheater.com

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. There are more than 9,000 Kiwanis clubs in more than 80 nations, with nearly one third of a million Kiwanians of different cultures helping to improve peoples lives.
Kiwanians are engaged in a variety of professions; including bankers, lawyers, doctors, realtors, professors, clergy, law enforcers and so much more! They are young individuals embarking on careers, successful executives and active retirees.
At the Cape Coral Kiwanis Foundation, our mission is helping children. Children at risk. Under served children. The children who need help most. Working together with Kiwanis International, we serve the children of the world. The lion’s share of our work happens at the club level, as Kiwanis members raise funds to underwrite foundation grants and improve our communities and the world. We give youth scholarships. We support Kiwanis International’s Service Leadership Programs for youth.
Visit us at:
652 Del Prado Blvd.
Cape Coral, FL 33909
Call 239-542-2849 for more information.
Website at

The Friends of the Cape Coral Library is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the resources and services of the library. The Friends raise funds for supporting programs and purchasing materials for the library that are not covered by the Lee County budget. As library advocates, our members speak out in support of local, state, and national libraries.
The Friends of the Cape Coral library actively promote and support the library through programs and activities, including:
Book sales
Special fundraising events
Membership meetings devoted to topics of interest to library supporters
Guest author appearances that help to build interest in books and reading
Public programs that provide cultural enrichment for the community
921 SW 39th Terrace
Cape Coral, FL 33914
Website: www.capefriends.org
Monday-Wednesday (9 a.m.-8 p.m.)
Thursday (9 a.m.-6 p.m.)
Friday and Saturday (9 a.m.-5 p.m.)
Closed Sundays
Contact: 239-533-4500